Doctor Fausts' Nosey Fiend: "Were Martians to Invade the Earth. With Annotations in Magic Ink From Sextus Empiricus, Logician"
( with gratitude to ariel acosta and julio acinas, who encouraged the n. f. to write
so you know whom whom to blame)
("what we cannot speak about we must pass over in silence"
ludwig wittgenstein, " tratactus logico-philosophicus" )
( martians about to invade the earth,
a theme that so obsessed bosch that he would devote to it his entire work )
( the invasion plan )
( the fallen angel
sbdy pray tell chagall the book was on a martian invasion, not on an acid trip to a russian town )
( a gentle martian -- the dangerous being, of course, the green ones )
( botticelli did not know what a black bra was
otherwise he would have put one here
ok at the shoulder but could not find a photo of the shoulder )
( klee also spent his entire life painting martians )
( another klee martian, this time influenced by melville )
(a note with an apology from sextus empiricus: the magic ink appears not to have worked)
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"Poor the unhappiness out / from your too bitter heart". (Wallace Stevens)